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Русские туристы в Стамбуле 2022
May 22, 2022 | Viewed: 1245

Russian tourists in Turkey 2024

Turkey is an amazing, sunny and bright country, with a special atmosphere and flavor. She has been a leader among the inhabitants of Asia and Europe for quite a long time. Especially if you rely on the number of tourists who regularly come to resorts in Turkey, this country is the leader among others in the field of tourism, recreation and travel. Russian tourists in Turkey are especially common, and you can hear familiar speech on almost every street in this country.

Русские туристы в Турции 2022
Russian tourists in Turkey 2024

The main advantages of a holiday in Turkey

The advantages of a holiday in Turkey now for Russians include the following points:

  1. No need to open a visa. Unlike European countries, residents of the Russian Federation may not open a visa, as there is a visa-free regime between our countries. That is why you can buy plane tickets just a few weeks before departure. You can go on a trip by making a completely spontaneous decision on the eve of the trip. Of course, it is not difficult to get a visa now, but due to the fact that Russia has visa–free entry with Turkey, you can use another nice bonus – last-minute tours with a significant discount.
  2. The climate of Turkey is ideal for all people. There is no fiery scorching sun here, which is capable of burning everything in its path, respectively, and you will not encounter over-dried air, as in other popular countries among tourists. Therefore, Russians in Turkey in 2022 will be able to continue to relax with young children without problems. For the elderly, this is a real paradise on earth. It is not for nothing that pensioners from Europe, with pleasure, live here for several months.
  3. Acceptable pricing policy. Of course, all prices of Turkish resorts are quite reasonable, quite affordable. Here you will find hotels that will exactly match your preferences and financial capabilities. And a low price is definitely not a bad quality, especially when it comes to this amazing, hospitable country.

Of the disadvantages that can be noticed now from the reviews of Russians, regarding how to relax in Turkey now, it is worth highlighting only the overcrowding of hotels. Sometimes, in order to take your favorite sun lounger by the pool or on the beach, you need to get up even before sunrise. In addition, many complain about queues at restaurants for dishes. But still, the staff is experienced, qualified and able to quickly eliminate all unpleasant moments and make your vacation perfect.

Русские туристы в Стамбуле 2022
Russian tourists in Istanbul 2024

Reviews of Russian tourists about Turkey now

Right now, most residents of the Russian Federation are in sunny Turkey. We can say that this particular country at the moment is a kind of “window” into the vast world. Of course, most people are now thinking about traveling to this amazing eastern country, as they are worried about what attitude Russians have in Turkey, starting from February-April 2022.

Based on the reviews of travelers, we can say for sure that today the attitude towards Russian tourists in Turkey has not changed. Perhaps travelers from the Russian Federation will soon encounter “sideways glances” in other countries, but this is definitely not about Turkey. The locals understand everything and are happy to welcome guests from Russia. But there are some changes regarding residence permits for Russians. Previously, it was possible to conclude an apartment rental agreement for one year, collect a small set of documents, pay the fee and that’s it. Now a residence permit is issued only for half a year, and a real estate lease agreement must be notarized and only in the presence of the apartment owner. Thus, foreigners prove their financial viability.

It is also worth paying attention to the prices now. Russian holidays in Turkey have risen significantly in price, almost twofold. Although the products are still quite cheap, especially if you compare them with the prices of products in the Russian Federation.

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